engine: 17cc whippersnipper (from BnQ) = £10
scooter: cheap scondhand 'hotdog'
throttle cable: off a 1977 'moreen' bike
spindle: home made on a leathe
base frame: home made, 2 strips of mild steel with bolts holding them 2 gether
pedal section: mild steel home made (starting to bend may have to improve)
max speed: about 20mph down a hill (well wot u expect for 17cc?)
fuel consuption: dunno but it guzzels it
main problems
- the spindle wasent large enough, so i wrapped electricions tape around it,
- the spindle had no traction in the wet at all, no solution as yet
- engine trouble, the wheel is egg shaped and the engine bounces up and down on it and all the mixture screws come lose
- the english climate is bad and theres lots of rain, no solution as yet
feel free 2 email me: frogspank@hotmail.com